Disclaimer and privacy policy


The information on this web-site is presented in good faith and for
general information only. Neither Strategy Tactic Group nor its
subsidiaries make any representation or warranty as to the
completeness or accuracy of any of the information. In no event will
Strategy Tactic Group nor will any of its subsidiaries be responsible
for damages or losses of any nature whatsoever resulting from the
use of or reliance upon any information or any product or service
referred to on this web-site.

Certain statements on this web-site are based on the beliefs of
Strategy Tactic Group’s management, as well as assumptions made
by and information available to the management and such
statements may constitute forward-looking statements. Such
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks,
uncertainties and other important factors that could cause actual
results or achievements to differ materially from any future results or
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking

Persons intending to use a product or a service of Strategy Tactic
Group must read and follow all instructions accompanying that
product or service and must comply with all applicable laws and
regulations relating to the use of that product or service.

This disclaimer and the contents of this web-site shall be governed
exclusively by Canadian law without regard to its conflict of law
rules. Any dispute arising out of or in relation to this disclaimer shall
be settled solely by the Courts of Canada.

Privacy policy

1. General points
Strategy Tactic Group (controller) registers personal data at
www.res-stgroup.com and www.strategytactic.com so that we can
provide our customers and other visitors with the best service.
For example, we record personal data when we receive notification
of a change of address and brochure order forms, or if you create a
user ID on our website.

Strategy Tactic records these data:
Contact information: Name, address, telephone number and e-mail
address. The reason we need to use this information is that we
would like to be able to:
• send news items to everyone who expresses an interest
• deliver items and services to you
• supply power products.
• read the meter for the purpose of settling your electricity
When you buy product on Strategy Tactic’s homepage, we record
your date of birth. We do that in order to be able to credit-rate you in
connection with your purchase.
You always have the option of accessing and inspecting the data we
have recorded about you. You can lodge an objection to any
registration under the rules of the Canadian Personal Data
Protection Act.

2. Information will not be disclosed without your
Strategy Tactic Group neither sells nor discloses registered
information without obtaining your consent first.

3. How long does Strategy Tactic keep the registered
personal data?
Strategy Tactic retains registered data for as long as necessary to
be able to provide visitors to www.res-stgroup.com and
www.strategytactic.com with good service:

Contact forms and competitions
Personal data recorded through contact forms are kept for one year.
If you have written on the contact form that you are happy to receive
news and information from Strategy Tactic by e-mail, e.g. about
products and services tips, energy-wise appliances and up-to-theminute
offers, we will hang on to the data until you yourself ask for
them to be deleted.

Mail to Strategy Tactic’s Customer Centre
If you’re a customer with Strategy Tactic, we’ll keep your e-mails for
as long as you’re a customer. According to the Canadian
Bookkeeping Act, Strategy Tactic must store some information for
five years. This applies to your bills and invoices, for instance.
If you are not a customer, we will retain your e-mails for as long as is
relevant to the matter in hand.

User set-up
The information you provide when creating a user name and
password for some of our services will be kept by us for as long as
your user profile is active. Then we delete it.
Opting for news mail
When you register for Strategy Tactic’s news mail, we keep your email
address until you cancel your registration.

4. Strategy Tactic registers visits to our website
Strategy Tactic uses a standard tool to register the number of visits
to our website, the domains visitors come from and the pages they
view at www.res-stgroup.com and www.strategytactic.com.
Strategy Tactic uses these statistics to improve and further hone our
customer service.

5. Who has access to the information you enter?
The departments at Strategy Tactic that deal with servicing our
customers have access to the personal data registered.

6. Security
Strategy Tactic Group stores the registered personal data in
unencrypted form. Personal data are stored in databases protected
from unauthorized access by means of user ID and password.
All communications in User Manager and Self-Service are encrypted
at 128 bit level by means of SSL (Secure Socket Layer). That
prevents any third-party from accessing data.