About Us

I. Who We Are

S&T GROUP is an energy management and sustainable growing company. We provide our clients with the most efficient and cost effective solutions available in controlling their utility based overhead expenses. We serve as the marketing and integration arm for over 60 companies worldwide, providing a complete range of cutting edge technologies, products, and services. These companies have developed some of the most innovative, proven, and patented technologies currently on the market. With our sister company RES ST GROUP International, and as a core member of the United Synergy Consortium, S&T GROUP has many years of practical services. Together we have designed and implemented some of the most prestigious energy efficiency, conservation, and renewable energy projects around the globe. Our vision is to provide energy solutions and sustainable infrastructure to our clients in the public, private, and business communities looking to lower their operating costs and create a more sustainable operating model.

Ii. What We Do

S&T GROUP provides bottom-line solutions for our clients’ long term energy management and sustainability challenges. We evaluate each client and site without prejudice to using any particular product or technology. We then design our solutions by specifying a custom mix of integrated technologies and services that best address the issues and opportunities available at that site. Finally, we provide options ranging from lowest cost /highest return, to a full site solution. S&T GROUP is able to provide a complete range of services that start with education, consulting, site evaluation and energy audits, and go all the way through architectural integration, onsite support, general contracting, installation, and finally maintenance. We are truly the only one-stop provider of these services in the market today. We do all this while guaranteeing lowest price and the energy savings we deliver. No headaches, attentive service with no excuses, and guaranteed results. Your bottom line is our bottom line!

Iii. Why We Are

S&T GROUP is about insuring our children’s future by creating efficiency within the sustainability market. We orchestrate the relationships and cooperative alliances that will ultimately lead the way in this effort. Our goal is to maximize the distribution and incorporation of sustainable energy, sustainable food production, water conservation, and waste stream management infrastructure and technology throughout our worldwide community. S&T GROUP partners up with the leading technology companies, the most talented and gifted architects, engineers, and inventors, and the best and most experienced subcontractors, tradesman, and distributers. We do this in an effort to deliver the finest results and the highest dollar value for the clients we serve. By providing these top technologies, services, and service commitment, combined with a one stop, lowest cost, guaranteed results promise, we hope to encourage our clients to make the changes and upgrades that will contribute to their portion of our global sustainability challenge. Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.


Our charter is not merely to sell products, but to foster collaboration between industry and government in an effort to produce improvements to the overall security and well being of the Canada.


Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.


Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.

The Strategy Way

Our Approach is Unique We identify and partner with industry leading companies capable of providing cutting edge solutions to our end users. • We help our customers solve problems and improve capabilities. • Conduct needs assessment with end users. • Establish customer priorities and criteria. • Propose solutions. • Customize the solutions to optimize the customer outcome. • Implement the solution. • Provide follow on support and life cycle maintenance.

Values & Objectives

Customer Service Humility Integrity
Honesty Quality Continuous Improvement
Teamwork Openness Operational Excellence

Where we are

Level 4, 2 Elizabeth St,

Vancouver, Canada

tel: 001 (778) 300 1549

Fax: +1 778 653 0911



Our vision guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.